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Podcast #051 – Reddiyo knows how you should train before you even sign up

interview with reddiyo cycling training app founders
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What if your trainer workouts could be automatically created based on your past performance, so you get stronger without having to think about it at all?

In this episode we’re talking with the founders of Reddiyo, a smart training app that uses your workout data and performance to algorithmically determine your next workout.

It’s an interesting concept not just because it uses data from the workouts you do on the app, but also your past recorded workouts before you signed up to get you up and running with an effective program from day one.

We talk about how they started, some of the technical challenges and opportunities in creating the app, plus a bit about the actual business of creating a subscription based app. We wrap up with a look at features to come and some pie in the sky thinking on future features.

I love hearing the startup stories of bike brands because almost every one of them is a pure passion play. They’re started by riders who wanted to do something on their own and saw a gap in the market, then took the leap to create something cool.

Reddiyo’s founders not only took a leap of faith, but they went into a category that has some steep competition. But, after using it, I’d say they’ve managed to create something both interesting and useful, particularly if your focus is more on getting stronger and faster than on just entertaining yourself on the trainer.

If you’d like to try it yourself, you can use promo code BIKERUMOR30 to more than double your free trial period from 14 days to a full 30 days! Here’s to a training smarter not harder.

About the Reddiyo App

reddiyo cycling training app screenshots showing how to choose and export workouts

Reddiyo’s training programs are accessed through their smartphone app. It’s a subscription based program, and the longer you stick with it, the better it will do for you…but as mentioned, they can import past efforts to help it get up to speed. Set a goal event and date, and it tailors the plan to help you perform your best at it.

All workouts are shown as intensity charts, with key metrics like type, duration, intensity, and effort. It pairs very easily with smart trainers and heart rate straps via Bluetooth…almost too easily. I was expecting more screens and instructions, but it literally just found them and gave me one-tap pairing. Which got me on the bike and moving very quickly.

reddiyo cycling training smartphone app for outside and indoor workouts

If you prefer to perform your workouts via Zwift or Rouvy, it will let you export appropriate files and load into those virtual world programs, too.

Out in the real world, you can start a workout and pair your HR, speed, cadence, and/or power meter (via Bluetooth) and have the data show up and record, with the only caveat being that it’s not a controlled environment and you should watch out for traffic and prioritize the rules of the road over an interval.

reddiyo cycling training app screenshots showing post workout training data

The app shows you your weekly workouts, so you can plan ahead and schedule them into your day. It lets you set parameters like maximum hours and/or days per week, then fills it in with prescribed workouts based on your goals.

The post-workout data shows your effort in bars and graphs, with power and heart rate data per zone, etc. Connect it to other devices and Strava to move your data around where you want it, too.

Check them out at Reddiyo.com


10 Barrel Brewing beers lined up in a row

If you’re looking for a refreshing bevy after a hard training session, check out 10 barrel brewing’s awesome assortment of sours. They’re perfect on a hot day, or apres ride summer drink with friends. They’re only available on the west coast of the US for now, but absolutely worth checking out if you can find it.


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The KOM Hunter (@theKOMhunter)

Nice conversation, Tyler. I do wish them luck, but it made me wonder when they said they saw a gap in the market, given how many training software platforms there are out there… Let’s see how they fare…

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