Did you know there was such a thing as the Balance Bike World Championships? I didn’t either, but it’s a thing, and it looks as adorable as it sounds. Kind of like mutton-busting.
The Pinkbike-affiliated, three-day event takes place in Herefordshire, England, starting August 24. Children ages 2 to 5 will have three races in which to test their balance bike skills: A Quad Eliminator, a Slalom, and a Downhill event. According to the event website, the riders that accumulate the most points in their category over the three races will be crowned the winner on Sunday.
The Pinkbike Balance Bike World Championships are a part of the festivities at the GT Malverns Classic — a mountain bike festival with a plethora of races for all ages. Assuming you and your kiddo can make your way to merry old England, the balance bike tournament only costs £15 to enter.

Pop over to the GT Malverns Classic website for more entry details.
And as long as we’re talking balance bikes, now seems like a good time to point out that World Strider Day is right around the corner. Strider is a South Dakota-based, balance-bike brand with a range of toddler and kid-friendly rides. To participate in World Strider Day, get your kids out on their Strider bikes anytime between now and May 10. Make sure and nab a photo or video — the more unique, the better!
Then head to Strider’s website and submit your entry for a chance to win.
“16 winners will…be chosen, announced, and notified on May 15,” according to a Strider press release. The prize? A $100 Strider voucher for use on one of their products. After all, kids are always growing, and chances are you’ll need a bigger size sooner rather than later.
Happy riding, babies!